Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chapter 10 Democracy in America

How did John Quincy Adams envision the United States becoming the “freest and mightiest nation in the world”?

He wanted the United States to be the mightiest nation in the world by telling legislation to promote agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, and the mechanical and elegant arts.

How did democrats and Whigs differ in their understanding of American freedom and its relationship to governmental power?

The democrats believed that “the government should adopt a hands-off attitude toward the economy and not award special favors to entrenched economic interest.” In the other hand, the Whigs believed that  “via a protective tariff,, a national bank, and aid to internal improvements, the federal government could guide economic development.

What were the main arguments for and against Indian removal?

The first main argument against Indian removal was that the Indians were hostile when they tried to reclaim “their” land. The second main argument was that the Court  had said that they didn’t own the land, they just had the right to occupy it.

How did the Missouri Compromise and the nullification crisis demonstrate increasing sectional differences in antebellum America?

These two events increased sectional differences because the Missouri Compromise just a predicament that the United States was going through. Missouri wanted to get in the union but as a slave state and that was just going to ruin the balance of states which was 11 free states and 11 slave states. So to compromise they made Maine a free state. That caused some controversy but so did the nullification crisis. The nullification crisis was when congress imposed a series of tariffs. Then South Carolina nullified it but President Jackson still sent troops to collect taxes . That caused most of the differences.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Fernando,
    I will be in my classroom from 9:00 to 1:00, starting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 3 until Friday.
    Remember your responses to the review questions need to be at least 7 Sentences long and to include Images, videos, or links to primary sources.
    Hope you have had a good break.

    Ms. Ramirez
